• Full Moon in AriesFULL MOON IN ARIES

    a battle never won?

    There will be a Full Moon at 24°35’ Aries along the Aries/Libra axis (antiscion 05°25’ Virgo along the Virgo/Pisces axis).

    This Full Moon in the Cardinal signs will form a Grand Cross with Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto. A Grand Cross involves two oppositions (Moon-Sun and Mars-Pluto and squares between the four planets too). Cardinal signs are always on the move, impatient and assertive, this sometimes leads to taking hasty but poorly prepared action and staying power is often lacking after the initial momentum. The oppositions require co-operation, and compromise is often difficult particularly when Mars and Pluto are involved since impulsiveness might reign supreme. The squares just add frustration and blockages to any action hastily undertaken. Not a good omen for situations that already involve warfare. The Sun is also conjunct Fixed Star Spica which is considered fortunate but for whom we might ask, particularly since the Sun in Libra is in its fall.

    Moon in Aries is separating from a square to Mars, its dispositor, and the two planets are in Mutual Reception by dignity (each in one another’s signs). The very fact that they are also in mutual reception (MR) lends to the idea of them helping each other in some way and according to the late Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson “…(MR) can be mutually beneficial, either for working together or for getting out of whatever they got into…”(1) This is useful information if you have mutual receptions between any planets in your natal chart.

    Mars is the apex of the square between Moon and Sun, we can expect a battle (hopefully only of wills) between our leaders and the people (perhaps the MR between Moon and Mars will help the people), the exit point of this T-Square is of course Pluto which is part of the Grand Cross too. Mar is also //Jupiter and both are c//Venus, excess energy put into relationships and accords maybe or deception in those accords (Venus separating from a trine to Neptune)?

    The Sun is disposed by Venus, in detriment in Scorpio and in an exact sextile to Pluto both on the anaretic degree of 29, Venus is also separating from a trine aspect to Neptune R. A lot of confusion about core values and harmony (Venus) in the days preceding the lunation with a transformative outcome for sure (Pluto). Sun is also separating from a trine aspect to Jupiter R, a lucky escape or too much optimism maybe.

    All in all, this lunation chart speaks of irrational and hasty action and reaction (Moon square and in MR with Mars) that could be very destructive (Mars opposite Pluto) for the people (Moon) who see things very differently from the leaders (Moon opposite Sun). Although Sun is in a peace-loving sign (Libra) here it is in its fall, weakened, and the Sun is square both Mars and Pluto indicating that our leaders may actually have the opportunity for a peaceful solution if they really want it (Sun’s dispositor Venus sextile Pluto).

    Also, there is a retrograde Saturn with no Ptolemaic aspects in the chart, a severe onlooker with little or no moral compass thus very unsure about how to put order into the chaos (Saturn in Pisces, having dignity only by face and severely debilitated due to its retrograde motion).

    Full Moons are moments when matters peak concerning the house axis where it falls, for good or for bad, and some of these matters could involve any intentions you might have set on the previous New Moon which took place fifteen days ago.

    It falls on the 1-7th house axis in the traditional horoscope (Aries-Libra) and involves such issues as; me vs we, what I want vs what we want, fighting vs cooperation, assertion vs compromise etc.

    I would allow a 2° orb for any planets or angles this lunation might touch in your natal chart.

    Author, Raven Kaldera, in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this the

    “Warrior’s Moon”

    On this Moon he writes that we fight for what we believe in, often in a lone battle with our own interior demons during which time we also learn the virtue of patience and compromise.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 25° Aries: “The possibility for man to gain experience at two levels of being.” Indicating the revelation of new potentialities.

    For the antiscion at 6° Virgo: “A merry-go-round.” Indicating the first experience of the dynamic intensity of life processes and of the possibility of using them to reach a characteristic ego-satisfaction.

    For the Sun at 25° Libra: “The sight of an autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mystery of life and death.” Indicating the ability to discover in every experience a transcendent or cosmic meaning.

     “I don’t have a short temper, I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.” Anon



    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 65-185, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 67, 153 and 189, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    (1) Goldstein-Jacobson I. (1967) “The Way of Astrology”, Mutual Reception, p.81, Pasadena Lithographers, Pasadena USA

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