“All charming people have something to conceal, usually their total dependence on the appreciation of others.” Cyril Connolly

    There will be a New Moon-Annular Solar Eclipse at 10°04’ Libra on the 2nd October (antiscion 19°56’ Pisces).

    Being in Libra, this will be all about relationships and fairness. And being a New Moon-Annular Solar Eclipse of course it could be the start of a new relationship for some or a new beginning in an existing or ex relationship for others but it could also be about any kind of relationship depending on the house where it falls in your chart and the aspect it may or may not make to any personal planets or angles. It could also be a good time to see things from the other person’s point of view, not only what might be missing from the relationship for it to be good for you but also about what you’re bringing to the relationship too…remember, Libra is about fairness and harmony with an almost exaggerated sense of wanting to please at all costs since rocking the boat would make us lose our balance and poise and it also opposite the sign of Aries where “ME” is usually more important than “WE”.

    The New Moon-SE is in a tight conjunction with Mercury and the three planets plug into (by a square aspect) the Mars leg of a Grand Water Trine involving Mars, Venus and Saturn. Grand Trines are easy-going aspects and really need a harsh aspect to set them off. It’s a Grand Water Trine so feelings and emotions are out for all to see but the planets involved would ideally want harmony and above all to feel safe. The GT in the Water element also makes it easy for people to pick up any undercurrents going on in the background. Sun-Moon-Mercury squaring Mars seems to put the emphasis on the leaders (Sun) and people (Moon) wanting to keep the harmony promised by the Grand Trine despite news (Mercury) of war (Mars) and the fact that the leaders (Sun) and people (Moon) may have to defend (Mars) their opinions (Mercury) in order to keep that harmony.

    We must also remember that during New Moons the Moon is “combust”, that is, burnt or hidden by the Sun, in this Solar Eclipse-Lunation chart Mercury is also combust. One of the primary significances of combustion is that the combust planet is “hidden” or “secreted”. Therefore, another meaning of this Moon-Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra square Mars could be that there are secret alliances, talks or plans going on undercover by some leaders/nations and these trysts which probably will involve warfare are totally unknown to or hidden from the people.

    Declination-wise there is Jupiter//Mars (a lot of exuberance or perhaps too much faith in others) and both planets are c// to Pluto which could be a very destructive or a very lucky mix.

    There is no planet in the Fire element in the lunation chart and a preponderance of the Cardinal modality, I see this as wanting to forge ahead (Cardinal) yet lacking the intuition or oomph to do so (lack of Fire) or having little faith that things may indeed turn out well.

    The October 2, 2024, annular solar eclipse will cross over parts of South America, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and Antarctica. (1)

    According to Bernadette Brady this eclipse belongs to the Saros series “8 South” and concerns “Separation and loss. To finish something and to feel sad. Physical injury due to over-taxing oneself is also a possibility.”

    The last time there was a Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra was on 3rd October 2005 but of a different Saros series.

    What was happening in your life then?

    This eclipse will mostly concern people with planets or angles at 7-13° of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, BUT eclipses have wild-card characteristics and sometimes, even if your natal chart is involved, they do not manifest in your life through noticeable events.

    According to astrologer Bernadette Brady, the effects of solar eclipses are more external and deal with events that surround the person, that is, they bring in events that we ourselves have not precipitated. Eclipses are spotlights that shine on our life-path, they catch you in mid-action illuminating that area of your life (house) in which they occur. Whatever has been shoved aside or ignored will turn up for your attention and this could be experienced as dramatic and emotional whilst at the same time giving you the opportunity to deal with it, or not, it depends entirely on you.

    New Moons are great times to set your intentions about projects to undertake during the month to come so try to take some quiet time to think about what you would like or need to change in the matters of the house where this lunation takes place in your chart.

    The New Moon/SE falls on the 7-1st axis (Aries-Libra) in traditional astrology: the us vs I, compromise vs assertion, relationship vs independence etc. Most affected by this New Moon are those people with planets or angles between 07-13° in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

    Author, Raven Kaldera, in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this Moon the

    “White Knight’s Moon”

    he describes it as putting the focus on justice and discerning right from wrong and according to him this Moon is a great time to examine our ideals and adjust them if necessary.

    A chart to watch is that of Israel’s Prime Minister (21/10/49 10.15am Tel Aviv (2)) since the Solar Eclipse will be conjunct his Mercury-Neptune-Moon conjunction in his 10 house with Mercury ruling his MC. Together, the 3 planets rule his MC (Mercury) and houses 7 (Mercury), 4 (Neptune), 8 (Moon). Mercury rules communications, mental processes, siblings and travel among other things. Although Mercury in Libra is the essence of a good diplomat its darker side also shows up as holier-than-thou attitude due to unrealistic theorizing and his Mercury is also in aspect by square to Uranus which in his 7th  and rules his 3rd house.

    The Sabian symbol for 11° Libra: “A professor peering over his glasses at his students”. Indicating the problems attending the transmission of knowledge in a special cultural setup.

    For the antiscion at 20° Pisces: “A table set for an evening meal.” Indicating an indication that in the end and at the appointed time the individual’s needs will be met among those to whom he is linked by a spiritual (or biological) web of energies.

    And on this New Moon-SE let’s remember:

    “You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note” Doug Floyd



    • https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/an-annular-solar-eclipse-on-october-2-2024/ accessed 22/09/24
    • https://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?wgid=wgeJw9TssKwjAQ_BpvK2ST-GhDDnoRQRRU8Lw1oYmaKG3a0r83PehlZ5hhZnbwT6-5qoMmVNHoo00UR3IdbG18UPARAnAEZICFLDKWuCi5BCcs1GSAwdW-Zpxtet_D_nI-gJBWLkHwyCR0gKu1mI4EpshUkYLVv-oc–9NpqFkNccsn-7pXdkms2lVVWn85C9DcprSoFw76jmqptV4230BKgM6-g accessed 22/09/24

    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 43-45, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 178 and 281, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

