….time to tackle the truth

    There will be a partial lunar eclipse at 25°41’ Pisces (antiscion 04°19’ Aries) on the 17-18 September depending upon where you find yourself in the world.

    Whilst Solar eclipses manifest as external events in our lives, Lunar eclipses indicate more intimate, emotional changes which could of course still manifest as external events if the brooding that accompanies our innermost vicissitudes causes changes to our behaviour at an individual level. Such events are in fact brought about by our own thoughts and feelings together with the relative transits to planets or angles in our natal charts.

    Eclipses can be considered as a “spotlight” on the matters of the house axis where they occur in your chart (particularly so if personal planets or angles are involved in the eclipse degrees). It shines its light and brings to our attention those areas of our lives that need to be addressed for some reason. Dealing with these matters, once identified, could lead to a life-changing event in some cases. However, since events under eclipses are often unexpected and sudden it’s not always possible to prepare in advance but having a notion of the matters of the houses interested in the event could give us inkling as to where the disruption might come from.

    Dispositor of the lunar eclipse is Jupiter, in detriment in the sign of Gemini and also apex of a T-square involving a Sun and Moon opposition in the Mutable signs. Mercury, dispositor of Jupiter and strong in its own sign of Virgo, is also applying a square aspect to Jupiter and opposing Saturn. Jupiter, being so poorly dignified could exaggerate the head and heart, or leaders and people opposition, probably in favour of the people since Jupiter also disposes the Moon and is in detriment of the Sun. The Mercury-Jupiter square could indicate making too many promises on the part of the leaders since Mercury disposes the Sun and the opposition to Saturn probably indicates the regret or disappointment that these promises might provoke. The Moon is also conjunct Neptune (modern ruler of Pisces) which could make it more gullible and unfortunately more likely to believe any mistruths. However, the Moon’s conjunction to Neptune increases empathy and allows us to tune in more easily to the mood of the people surrounding us, which can be helpful (to them) but could also “suck” our energy if we already have a gift for empathy and don’t know how to shield ourselves adequately. It could also mean that our fantasies take flight and may also lead to overdoing substance abuse for some.

    The Sun, peregrine, is also making a trine aspect both to Uranus R and Pluto R, Jupiter activates this Grand Trine by square. Our heads or our leaders (Sun) could really go overboard in a nanosecond (Uranus) and be extremely (Jupiter) destructive (Pluto). Venus, via Jupiter, plugs into the Mutable T-square, perhaps there will also be too much self-indulgence (Venus-Jupiter trine and Sun square Jupiter) as facts evolve since both Sun and Moon feel they have reason to be right.

    Other noteworthy facts about the lunation: Sun c//Neptune (confusion/deception), Mercury c//Saturn (serious thinking) and Mars c//Pluto (power struggles).

    As I wrote in my post mid-August “preview to the Lunar Eclipse” the charts to watch during the coming weeks will be Iran and Venezuela since both are heavily aspected by transiting planets during the eclipse.

    The eclipse is of the Saros series 8 South and according to astrologer Bernadette Brady indicates “separation and loss, to finish something and feel sad at its completion, physical injury due to over-straining one’s strength.”

    The last lunar eclipse at 24° Pisces was in September 2016 (so not the usual 19-year lapse) but of a different Saros series.

    What was happening in your life then?

    In the Western world we tend to indulge ourselves in feeling-based activities on full Moon days but in Tibetan Buddhist monastic tradition this is a day devoted to the purification of “negative” karma during which people are encouraged to indulge less, thus creating space to contemplate the true nature of reality (1).

    In traditional astrology (where the astrological year begins with the Aries ingress) the Pisces Full Moon is connected to the 12-6th house axis and the Pisces/Virgo opposition, in short; in the 12th house our energy goes with the flow whilst in the 6th house we arrange our energy ie.: we plan life. The Pisces/Virgo opposition lends to dynamics such as chaos vs order, compassion vs criticism, all-inclusivity vs discrimination etc.

    Pisces is a Mutable, Water sign and this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will have major impact on persons who have planets or angles at 22-30° of the other mutable signs; Pisces (conjunction), Virgo (opposition) and Sagittarius and Gemini (square).

    Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” describes the Full Moon in Pisces as the

    “Healer’s Moon”

    since Pisces demands deeply personal service as opposed to its opposite sign Virgo who believes that the best type of service is rendered impersonally. So, on the Healer’s Moon we are invited to find ways of bringing healing to others in some way. Healing can in fact take on many forms be these physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

    The Sabian symbol for 26° Pisces: “Watching the very thin moon crescent appearing at sunset, different people realise that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects.” Indicating a keen appreciation of the value of individualised responses to any challenge in life.

    For the antiscion of the Moon at 5° Aries: “A triangle with wings.” Indicating the capacity for self-transcending.

    For 26° Virgo: ““A boy with a censer serves the priest near the altar.” Indicating the first stage of actual participation in the great ritual of planetary evolution.

    “You learned to run from what you feel, and that’s why you have nightmares. To deny is to invite madness. To accept is to control.”  Megan Chance, The Spiritualist

    Which house does the Full Moon/Lunar eclipse fall in your chart?



    *to learn more about the Saros cycles “Brady B (1999) “Predictive Astrology, The Eagle and The Lark”, chapter 5 Eclipses and Saros Cycle, pp 334-335, Red Wheel/Weiser LLC, San Francisco CA USA

    1. Gillett R. (2015) Working with Planets, The Astrological Journal, September/October 2015, pp 35-38

    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 53, 226, 229, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. pp. 166 and 285, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

