• Mercury in VirgoMERCURY IN VIRGO

    and nit-picky and worrisome come to my mind

    Mercury slips into its home sign of Virgo for only a brief stay before stationing retrograde at 04°06 Virgo (antiscion 25°54’ Aries) on 4-5 August. On its backward journey it will return to Leo on 14 August to station direct at 21°24’ Leo (antiscion 08°36’ Taurus) on 28 August, re-entering to the sign of Virgo on 9 September.

    Mercury in Virgo is very analytical and rather sceptical and could also become quite fastidious, even nagging, in its love of detail.

    Mercury rules Virgo and it is also the sign where it finds its exaltation. Mercury also rules Gemini, here it collects any information it can lay its hands on, in Virgo however only information that can be useful is searched for and retained to be later used in a creative and practical way.

    It’s certainly going to be an interesting ride, particularly for the Mutable signs of Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini.

    “Done right, precision can help clarify, plus it’s fun.” Betsy Hodges

    Artwork: myskypie2024
