Just in time for the holiday season Mercury stations to retrograde on the 12-13th December at 08°29’ Capricorn (antiscion 21°31’Sagittarius) and will station to direct on the 1-2 January 2024 at 22°10’ Sagittarius (antiscion 07°50’ Capricorn). These are the same degrees as the Mercury station direct at the beginning of this year.

    At the moment of station to retrograde Mercury is also OOB until the 15th of December. Mars, Sun, Pluto and Mercury are all parallel at this moment. Hopefully only verbal violence dictated by power struggles between inflated egos.

    Gemini and Virgo, the two Mercury ruled signs will react a little differently to this retrograde which involves two signs.

    The first part of the retrograde which will be in Capricorn could be easier for the first decade of Virgo since they are both practical Earth signs, however the last decade of Gemini, which will receive a quincunx aspect from Capricorn with an 8th house flavour could find an Earthy Mercury rather difficult to cope with since Air signs are more “in their heads” and not as practical as the Earth signs. During the second part of the retrograde when Mercury enters the last decade of Sagittarius both Gemini and Virgo will be under stress (Gemini by opposition and Virgo by square).

    When Mercury retrogrades in an Earth sign we often ask ourselves what the tangible results of our life might be. Security matters and practical concerns seem to be often on our minds. Perhaps you’ll look for new possibilities or new ways of earning money during this period or again, perhaps you will be too self-critical considering all the pros and cons of any major decision you might desire to make.

    Sometimes when our personal chart is affected by the retrograde period we find ourselves bogged down or held up for some reason with things going haywire no matter how carefully we plan them. Other times hold-ups just seem to happen from nowhere and technical objects break down without warning.

    The Sabian symbol for the direct station at 9° Capricorn: “An angel carrying a harp.” Indicating the revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation.

    For the antiscion at 22° Sagittarius: “A Chinese laundry.” Indicating the making use of one’s special racial-cultural background in order to survive and prosper in an alien environment.

    “Questions from earlier circle like buzzards. Am I running away or moving forward?” Doug Cooper, Outside In



    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 223, 235, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    Sullivan E. (1989), “Planets, The Astrological Tools” edited by Joan McEvers, chapter on Mercury, pp. 73-74. Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, Minnesota USA

    Artwork: myskypie2023
