From Earth to Air, from sensual to frivolous…it’s party time!
Venus in Gemini is known for being flirty and also for its refined social skills although it dislikes commitment both sentimentally and financially. Venus in Gemini enjoys a lot of mental fertility and it reflects a lot on matters of the heart (usually deciding that single is better than partnered) since it is far too rational to be interested in steady love unions. It could also be a spendthrift as far as intellectual pursuits are concerned (books especially) since it values communication and information.
During it’s stay in Gemini, Venus will make the following aspects:
28-29 June: sextile Jupiter (7°18’) – don’t overdo it!!
12-13-14 July: trine Saturn R and square Neptune R – everything rosy (Neptune) could have a darker (Saturn) tint to it if something pops up from the past (Saturn R).
Whatever side of itself it shows in Gemini, Venus here is a definitely a party animal!
Artwork: myskypie2022
FB page: My Sky Pie