Jupiter entered Gemini on 25-26 May this year and will now station retrograde at 21°20’ Gemini (antiscion 08°40’ Cancer) on 08-09 October to station direct on the 04 February 2025 at 11°16’.

    I mentioned in a previous post that Jupiter would remain exclusively in the sign of Gemini during its entire transit ad that is because a continuous stay in a sign however is not a given for any planet. Nonetheless, as in all things astrological there is a pattern to these continuous stays in the sign transited and each planet has its own particular pattern.

    Jupiter in fact has a pattern of continuous stays and then cycles when the planet enters the adjacent signs to then re-enter the transited sign and these patterns are different for each planet. The patterns change according to whether the sign transited is long ascension (Cancer to Sagittarius) or short ascension (Capricorn to Gemini), with the exception of the sign of Leo which is long ascension but acts like the short ascension signs– he is the King after all so I suppose he can do as he pleases! Since the sign of Gemini is a short ascension sign the pattern for Jupiter in Gemini is 3 cycles when the planet goes in and out between signs followed by 4 continuous stays in the sign transited whilst the long ascension signs have 2 cycles going in and out between signs followed by 5 continuous stays.

    The total average stay of Jupiter in a sign (when continuous) is approximately 375 days.

    Planets take on the nature of the sign transited and thus I believe that when a planet remains continuously in one sign for the whole length of its transit then it really gets to wallow in the qualities of that sign without having its energy fragmented by moving in and out of the adjacent signs. When a planet first enters a sign, we note the difference and often feel a surprise as the energy changes and then emerges. During the middle degrees of the transit, we learn how to cope with this now, no longer, new energy and in the late degrees the energy peaks and pulls out its final traits.

    Jupiter in Gemini enjoys Ptolomaic dignity by term between 7-13.59° and by face in the first ten degrees of the sign but it also in detriment for the whole length of its stay there. So, it’s not a particularly well-functioning planet in this sign but it also a hot, moist masculine planet and Gemini, being an Air sign, is also hot and moist and masculine so it does have accidental dignity to help it along.

    Being principally associated with optimism and abundance Jupiter in chatty Gemini suggests someone who loves to network, is very chatty and knowledgeable – probably only in superficial way because Gemini doesn’t really have the steadfastness to delve too deeply into any subject but they are fantastic conversationalists since their innate curiosity makes them a real goldmine of knowledge (and gossip). It is also a good placement for writers, tourist guides, politicians, and religious leaders but Jupiter could increase the mental fidgetiness so common to Gemini and lead to being scatterbrained and spreading oneself too thinly.

    Over the next four months we will have an opportunity to get back in touch with our inner self as a cautious optimism about future events gradually invades us, more at an interior level rather than an exterior one since on the outside we may have seemed to lost our usual joviality and might appear subdued. The house where retrograde Jupiter will be transiting can suggest where we may find your inner sense of contentment support even though outside events may not support this entirely.

    During its retrograde period, Jupiter will make the following contacts:

    03 November: opposition from Venus (20°16’ Gemini-Sagittarius) – a bad day for dieting since excessive self-indulgence is only a heartbeat away!

    18 November and 04 December: opposition from Mercury (the first transit Mercury direct the second Mercury retrograde – 18°47’ and 16°43’ respectively) – communicate without being cocky!

    24 December: square Saturn (14°11’ Gemini-Pisces) – this harks back to their conjunction at the beginning of Aquarius in December 2020 – a time for a reality check with a lot of restlessness about the “what’s next”.

    14 January: square from Venus (11°59’ Gemini-Pisces) – another day of self-indulgence, don’t overspend.

    03 February: trine from Mercury (11°16’ Gemini-Aquarius) – positive thinking can change your world.

    A chart to watch might be that of Mr T in the USA. Jupiter stations exactly on his secondary progressed Uranus which is squeezed in between his natal Sun and North Node in his 10th house. This could lead to sudden opportunities (probably finance-related) for him or it could be a complete reluctance to live up to his responsibilities preferring personal freedom.

    The Sabian symbol for 22° Gemini: “Dancing couples in a harvest festival.” Indicating the wholesome enjoyment of organic processes and emotional drives.

    For the antiscion point at 09° Cancer: “A small, naked girl bends over a pond trying to catch a fish.” Indicating the first native quest for knowledge and for an ever-elusive understanding of life.

    “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” Herm Albright



    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 104 and 115, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

