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    ...unusual, eccentric, crazy and revolutionary Having left the sign of its exaltation to find itself peregrine, in Aquarius we could find Mars fighting for the masses or fighting to impress since he has a strong sense of individualism and eccentricity as he pursues his goals. To the point that he prefers to see how much he differs from the norm rather than trying to understand how much he has in common with his peers. In this sign Mars can be really independent, sometimes unpredictable and often uncompromising as he tries to force his views and opinions on others or tries to convince [...]

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    Could be very insidious... The New Moon (the first of the astrological year) will occur at 4°12’ Aries (antiscion 25°48’ Virgo). The last of a series of six New Moons at 4° of their respective signs it finds itself on a very important degree since it is square to the Solar Eclipse of December 2019 at 4° Capricorn and thus activates the eclipse. In December we were first hearing about the Coronavirus in distant, or so it seemed, China. This is a me, me, me, action-oriented New Moon squaring the sign of Capricorn which is loaded with “heavy” planets equally action-oriented [...]

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  • My name is Lynn. I’m a professional, fully qualified Western astrologer (DM Astrol) and member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International, specialised in the interpretation of natal charts and solar returns.....

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  • The word “astrology” is derived from the Greek astron which means star and logos which means science. It has been called the soul of astronomy and gave birth to that science, since the origin of astrology has been lost in time....

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  • Why book an astrology reading?, You may find it useful to have a reading at any time of life, but you will find it particularly helpful if you are.....

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  • Only a few days after the Spring Equinox (when the Sun enters the sign of Aries on 20th March) there will be Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd at 3°17 of the sign of Libra.  Libra and Aries are opposite each other on the zodiac wheel......

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  • Welcome to My Sky Pie

    Hi, my name is Lynn.

    I’m a professional, fully qualified and certified Western astrologer (DM Astrol) and holder of John Frawley’s Horary Craftsman diploma as well as being a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (MAPAI) and of the Organisation of Professional Astrologers (OPA).

    I hope you enjoy my writings about astrology.

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