• Monthly Horoscopes


    These will be my last monthly horoscopes. They started off three years ago as a wager to myself (could I do it, would it be fun?). The answer is Yes to both these questions but now it’s time to move on, as a Gemini I love new adventures and new ideas so I would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to all you lovely people out there who’ve taken the time to read my columns every month.

    I suggest that you read both your Sun sign and your Rising sign (Ascendant).

    Aries 21/03-20/04

    The highlight this month will be on expanding your mind or your physical horizons in some way. It could be by planning a holiday during the Festive Season or by looking up information about a new course of study or some novel interest. Whatever your idea, this month is a great time for going over any plans you have regarding the above and putting your energy into them in a responsible and accurate way because the later part of the month sees you entering a completely new chapter and although it may be more expensive than you thought it will be a wonderful way to welcome the New Year.

    Taurus 21/04-20/05

    Money and finances seem to be the main theme again this month. However the month opens with a great optimism towards the future and for many a “teacher” or a person who can really help you in some way may become part of your life. Early month is also an excellent time for going over any financial plans as you are able to direct your energy so as to discard any plans that may have seemed innovative but now reveal themselves unpractical. At the end of the month resources may seem scarce and this could dampen your mood a little but then you rally round as friends reveal themselves as a helping hand and life and the New Year look promising again.

    Gemini 21/05-20/06

    A fantastic month for going over any future plans or ideas you have about relationships of all kinds. Any recent contemplations may have seemed innovative and exciting but sometimes “walking is better than running” and it would be advisable to dig deep and sort out your real motivations before acting. New friends may pop into your life around mid-month giving you further food for thought and perhaps opening your eyes towards possible future damage to your finances (again from potentially dodgy partnerships). Late month, with all this rethinking, you may feel a little unloved and mentally frayed, this too will pass as the New Year rolls in.

    Cancer 21/06-22/07

    Perhaps your work needs planning more carefully this month, or you may need to pay more attention to your diet and fitness regime, especially with the festive season looming. Early month some of you may be planning a holiday others could be looking into some new intellectual interest, whatever the idea that’s in your mind you need to think it over before acting and see if there’s another (possibly less expensive) way of doing it. Mid-month someone or something completely new and unexpected may suddenly appear in your life and impact your daily routine in a huge way. End of the month is fun time for you so do whatever and go wherever your fantasy leads as you enter the New Year!

    Leo 23/07-23/08

    Early month some household finances could be under close scrutiny since money seems to be disappearing from under your nose. Although ideas and plans in the fun and leisure department (or involving children for some) seem to loom large all month, they may need re-thinking and re-planning as expenses soar and no longer seem worth their value or the bother either. From mid-month onwards some extra money may actually find its way to your pockets but it will be immediately claimed by family who have other ideas about how to spend it! Think of generosity (your innate gift) instead of grieving your (economic) losses as the New Year rolls in!

    Virgo 24/08-22/09

    Early month some of you may be seeing relationships as a dream come true or larger than life in some way but then the logical side of you kicks in and your energy is diverted into going over plans to see if they will actually work. Some of these plans may in fact appear too innovative to actuate which then makes you fall back into a dreamy state again (unusual for such a logical sign). Mid-month onwards you could think about redecorating or refurbishing your home but financial problems may curb these plans somewhat, unless of course you come up with a better idea that costs less! Don’t get into that “saviour” or worse still, that “martyr” mood as the month ends, New Year is a time to celebrate after all!

    Libra 23/09-22/10

    The social scene with its myriad of forms of communication is centre stage for most of the month. Yet the beginning of the month sees you engrossed in bettering your financial situation on the work front and re-manoeuvring previous plans about how to get your energy across to the others in a more positive way. Don’t dillydally or worry about how good the effect might be. Mid-month new ideas do flood in but don’t let your imagination run away with you as the excitement mounts. A moment of depression or a bad mood may spoil the latter days of the month but learn to be compassionate with yourself and others since this is the best way to fight off this fleeting moment and soar into the New Year.

    Scorpio 23/10-22/11

    Don’t think that your opinions are the only one Truth or the only matter that counts, humility please as the month sets off. The rest of the month will be focussed on what and who you treasure in your life and this could require some deep thinking on your part (something that comes easy to you), what exactly is it that’s nagging at the back of your mind and making you feel uneasy? Sudden events at work may destabilize you a little and bring you back to earth with a bump. Towards the end of the month a choice which probably invoices a financial squeeze may also have to be made, own your own responsibilities and don’t expect too much compassion from the onlookers and do remember to cheer in the New Year.

    Sagittarius 23/11-21/12

    Early month that subtle shift in your home life that you’ve been feeling for a while now may actually manifest in real life as a more permanent change. The rest of the month is all about YOU and will involve some deep re-planning as your dreams now seem well within reach and you move away from the thinking and wishing to the creating and doing! Some totally new ideas will seem to spring up from nowhere as you see life in a much rosier hue. Mid-month there could be a surprise encounter for those single out there too! As the month closes you need to compromise between soaring too high and being too grounded, just be gentle with yourself and greet the New Year with your usual optimism!

    Capricorn 22/12-20/01

    A social flurry as the month comes in, so much so, that you really can’t believe it! For the rest of the month you’ll be summoning up your thoughts in several areas of your life but mainly concerning the usual work/home dilemma that you often find yourself in. Maybe it’s time to give a jolt to your home life and put some energy into how you communicate to family but towards the end of the month the idea of the Festive season at home seems to put a real damper on your mood….which isn’t how it should be is it? You actually do know how to put things right…put some (com)passion into it and welcome the New Year with joy.

    Aquarius 21/01-19/02

    As the month sets off many of you are probably dreaming about a job that could change your finances for the better. For the rest of the month you’re still quite pensive too but this period could also be heralding the arrival of new friends into your life. You just need to regroup and decide which of all your fantastic ideas are feasible and then set off to make them real. You could get some really good input from your (new) friends too about how to invest your time and energies. Career is again highlighted towards the end of the month, the financial part may need tweaking a little but the future certainly is looking bright so welcome the New Year with confidence.

    Pisces 20/02-20/03

    As the month enters you may be dreaming about gaining or regaining your power in some way, have you been letting yourself down in some way lately? The rest of the month is in fact concerned with your status and in particular with your family and romantic relationships and how these appear to the world. It’s time to direct your energy in a much more responsible way, you have to leave unrealizable dreams where they belong (in your imagination for your private use and consumption only). Financial matters need to be planned and organized so as to make the best of what you’ve got without falling into your usual pity party mood which is not suitable for the New Year.



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