• eat, pray, love…

    There will be a Full Moon at 11°59’ Taurus on the 4th of November, it will be a perigee Moon (closest proximity to the Earth) and thus also known as a Super Moon due to it appearing larger in the night sky. This is the second in a series of five consecutive Full Moons at 11° of their relative zodiacal sign.

    Being so close to Earth this Moon will have a stronger effect on tides, tectonic plate movements and our moods of course and these manifestations might be particularly felt in the days preceding the lunation.

    Venus, the Moon’s dispositor is in an exact opposition to retrograde Uranus, again (like the preceding New Moon in October) putting the emphasis on personal choices in relationships versus an urgent need for freedom and liberty that seems to bubble up from within. With an exact trine from the Sun to retrograde Neptune and the Moon in exact sextile to this dreamy planet we actually may be too ready and willing to follow our dreams leaving all practicalities to chance as the chasms of the unknown appear dark, yet totally enticing. The sobering square (also exact) from Saturn to Chiron may remind us however that taking responsibility for the future may involve grieving for the reality and the actions of the present.

    Falling on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, 2-8 houses, the Moon-Sun opposition highlights our values vs the values we share with others, peace vs emotional storms, material comfort vs emotional drama etc.

    Full Moons put the spotlight on the darker side of life, where we need to question our motivations and recognize if we are coming from a place of love for ourselves (Taurus) or suspicion and jealousy (Scorpio). It poses the question of what needs to be understood and transformed and what needs to be kept versus what we need to let go of. The Taurus-Scorpio axis with the Moon occurring in Taurus means that Scorpio is the dark side with all its trust issues and its penchant for drama and jealousy whilst Taurus indicates that awareness of love and comfort is the way out of Scorpio’s dilemma.

    Raven Kaldera in his book “Moon Phase Astrology” calls this Full Moon the

    “Earth Mother’s Moon”

    According to him, it’s a time when we should take care of our body and the physical (not emotional) needs of others. We could ask ourselves on this Moon questions such as: “Am I eating healthily?”, “Do I need a medical check-up?”, “Am I sleeping enough?” “Do I feel good at skin-level with my clothes or does fashion prevail over my comfort?” “Am I getting enough hugs and regular body contact from my loved ones?” On this Moon we need to find the answers to the above questions and fix what is not working.

    The Pagan name of this lunation is

    “Beaver Moon”

    Beaver traps were once set in this month to catch enough beaver to make warm clothing for the upcoming winter.  A wonderful time for setting protection and protecting yourself from those ‘cold’ winds that try to interfere with your personal spiritual evolution.

    Most interested in this lunation will be those with planets or angles at 9-13° Taurus or Scorpio and the antiscion point of 18° Leo in their birth chart.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 12° Taurus is: “A young couple window-shopping.” Indicating the fascination of youthful ego with the products of its culture.

    For the Sun at 12° Scorpio: “An official embassy ball.” Indicating group-consciousness as it flowers at the highest level in cultural interchanges between representatives of the elite of the ruling class.

    “I know what I have given you…I do not know what you have received.” Antonio Porchia

    What are your thoughts about this Full Moon and where does it fall in your chart?


    Kaldera R. (2011) “Moon Phase Astrology” pp. 192-196, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont. USA

    Rudhyar D. (1974) “An Astrological Mandala: the cycles of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases”. p 78 and 198-199, Vintage Books Edition, Random House Inc., New York, USA

    https://www.paganspath.com/magik/moonnames.htm accessed il 7 feb 2017

    Image: Full Moon in Taurus: Beasts of Burden
